Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Light shines on the carving of a figure on the altar of Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: How Many Times?

September 22, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

Our selective willingness to heed our shared Abrahamic prophets is as ancient as they are. And the message remains unchanged. God entitles us all to nothing, and everything.

A multiethnic group of people wearing coats, scarves, and other outerwear smile for a group photo outside the Trinity Woods in West Cornwall, Connecticut.

A Time to Listen

September 21, 2022 | By Neill Coleman and Kate Mulloy

We reached out to the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) to gather anonymous grantee feedback via their Grantee Perception Report to help us be more effective funders. This feedback is both qualitative and quantitative, and it extends across the entire grantmaking experience; everything from the clarity of our application guidance to our field impact is assessed by grant partners. Then, our results are compared with peer funders, helping us understand where we see success and where we need to make changes.

Queen Elizabeth II at Trinity in July 1976

A Message from the Rector on the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II

September 8, 2022

Today we join those in the Church of England and many around the world in mourning the passing of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are grateful for her life of steadfast service to the Church and to her nation, and we remember her deep and abiding faith in God.

Holy Eucharist at the Family Service in Parish Hall

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Valuing Intangible Treasures

August 6, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

Last Sunday, we heard a parable about wasting treasures. In that case, the treasure was lots of extra grain. We also mentioned intangible treasures — things that aren’t objects, things you can’t touch or see or own, things like friendship, memories, talent, beauty, joy, and kindness. What can we do to value those kinds of treasures?

Children playing behind Trinity Church during Summer Days for children and families

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Knowing What Is Enough

July 30, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

Knowing what is enough can be the greatest gift that parents, and faith, can teach children and seekers. Our riches, or “treasure,” aren’t only about things that are tangible. And knowing what is enough is not about self-denial or capacity limits, because Jesus taught and showed us that God’s kin-dom on earth as it is in heaven is one of abundance, not of scarcity — and there is enough for all.