Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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A colorful collage illustration of Thomas the disciple touching Jesus's wound

Doubting God Is Not at Odds With Faith — It’s Part of It

April 5, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

When the disciple Thomas can’t believe news of the resurrection, Jesus doesn’t condemn his doubts but “tenderly shows up for Thomas in the way Thomas needs,” writes Trinity’s Faith Formation team. God doesn’t condemn our doubts either — and instead shows up for us, and meets our needs, through the love we have for one another.

Colorful, stained-glass—filtered light shines on the stone floor of Trinity Church

Can We See God? Mary Magdalene Shows Us How

March 29, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

When Mary Magdalene encounters the risen Jesus in the garden that first Easter morning, she recognizes him because he calls her by name. May we open our hearts to experience God in our own lives this Easter — and remember we are loved, called, and forgiven.

An illustration of a broken yellow crown over a textured blue background featuring hearts

Scripture Reflection: How Love Defies Expectation

March 22, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

What kind of king do we expect to see in Jesus? It’s a good question for Holy Week, suggests Trinity’s Faith Formation team, a time when our expectations are upended and salvation looks different than we’d imagined.

A close-up photograph of a stained-glass window depicting a golden knot

Scripture Reflection: What We Gain by Letting Go

March 15, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

What does it mean to follow Jesus’s example and lay down our lives? Trinity’s Faith Formation team suggests “it’s in letting go of power, the endless work of protecting ourselves at the expense of others, that we find true freedom — our deepest wants and needs met in community.”

A wooden carving of a figure with eyes looking up, Trinity Church

Scripture Reflection: Overcoming the Wilderness

March 8, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son . . .” might be the most well-known verse in the Bible — but what about Jesus’s mysterious words just before? Digging into the Book of Numbers for context, Trinity’s Faith Formation team helps us see God asking us to trust that even in the most uncertain circumstances, resurrection is on the way.

Rays of sunlight across a leather-bound copy of The Book of Common Prayer

How Holy Week Services Help Us Walk With Jesus

March 8, 2024

During Holy Week, we ground ourselves in the scriptural accounts of Jesus’s life in the liturgy — the order and shape of our church services — because we believe this ancient story echoes through the ages: Jesus’s resurrection is a promise that death is not the final word.

Soft blue lights fills stained-glass windows in Trinity Church with a gold cross in the foreground

Scripture Reflection: Transformed From the Inside Out

March 1, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

This Sunday’s Gospel story — when Jesus drives money changers out of the temple court — is familiar but puzzling. Is Jesus overturning worship norms, or is there more to the story? Trinity’s Faith Formation team suggests there’s a deeper meaning behind Jesus’s demonstration: It’s a proclamation of God’s presence alive and at work within each of us.

A close-up image of hands serving Communion in Trinity Church

Scripture Reflection: Not the End of the Story

February 23, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

“Death isn’t a secret or surprise for any of us, even Jesus. In fact, it’s an essential part of being alive. But when we spend our time and energy fighting the inevitable, we lose sight of the life happening right in front of us.” Trinity’s Faith Formation team digs into Sunday’s scripture reading from Mark’s Gospel and considers a paradox of the Christian faith: The path to wholeness, purpose, and connection is through surrender.