Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Soft blue lights fills stained-glass windows in Trinity Church with a gold cross in the foreground

Scripture Reflection: Transformed From the Inside Out

March 1, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

This Sunday’s Gospel story — when Jesus drives money changers out of the temple court — is familiar but puzzling. Is Jesus overturning worship norms, or is there more to the story? Trinity’s Faith Formation team suggests there’s a deeper meaning behind Jesus’s demonstration: It’s a proclamation of God’s presence alive and at work within each of us.

A close-up image of hands serving Communion in Trinity Church

Scripture Reflection: Not the End of the Story

February 23, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

“Death isn’t a secret or surprise for any of us, even Jesus. In fact, it’s an essential part of being alive. But when we spend our time and energy fighting the inevitable, we lose sight of the life happening right in front of us.” Trinity’s Faith Formation team digs into Sunday’s scripture reading from Mark’s Gospel and considers a paradox of the Christian faith: The path to wholeness, purpose, and connection is through surrender.

A parishioner bows in prayer in Trinity Church

Scripture Reflection: Fully Embracing God’s Love

February 16, 2024 | By The Faith Formation Team

Looking ahead to Sunday’s scripture readings, Trinity’s Faith Formation team considers what it means to fully embrace God’s love, even when it leads us down unexpected and sometimes uncomfortable paths: “Who knows where God will send us — beloved and driven by the Spirit — to help heal our broken world?”

Lenten meditation 2024

Lenten Meditations 2024

February 13, 2024

Every year, Trinity parishioners, clergy, and staff offer a book of meditations based on the lectionary readings to accompany us through the season of Lent. Some are written reflections, others are paintings or photographs. All are insightful, meditative, and a gift from the parish to the reader.

A 15th-century Greek icon depicting Jesus's transfiguration

Down from the Mountaintop

February 9, 2024 | By Summerlee Staten

”This is how mountaintop experiences — epiphanies and revelations that open our minds to new realities — change us,” writes Summerlee Staten, reflecting on Jesus's transfiguration. ”We come to understand the mystery of God in a new way, and by comparison the miracles we experienced before seem ordinary.”

The Rev. Phil Jackson, Rector of Trinity Church Wall Street

Love in Action: Trinity Giving Tops $61M

February 5, 2024 | By The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson

The Rev. Phil Jackson, Trinity‘s Rector, reflects on Trinity’s increased charitable giving and our commitment to putting love into action by meeting needs in our Lower Manhattan community.

Two priests talk to one another while seated at a table.

Investing in Our People: Trinity Philanthropies in 2023

January 31, 2024 | By Bea de la Torre

Over the past year, Trinity Church Wall Street has continued to increase our philanthropic support for work that advances equity and justice. We have nearly quadrupled our annual giving since 2019—from $16 million to $61 million—and in 2023 we distributed $37.7 million in grants to 205 organizations that advance our efforts to build organizational capacity, care for our community, and bring people together.