
Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson: "A Beautiful Window"

November 13, 2022

"The beauty of it struck me, stopped me cold. I thought about all the people that helped put it together, and I started tearing up. I wanted to grab people and say, 'Can I tell you what God did?' From start to finish this was a God project. It was remarkable."

The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson recalls a moment earlier this week when he was struck by the beauty of our new stained-glass window, which depicts the Parable of the Talents and the Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25). Yet, as moving as this window is, Fr. Phil reminds us of what matters and what lasts for eternity: "None of our greatest projects will last to eternity like God will, and like our souls will."

The readings are Malachi 4:1–2a; Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13; and Luke 21:5–19. Watch the sermon.

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