
Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Elizabeth Blunt: “The Quiet Courage of Surrender”

June 23, 2024

Sunday’s Gospel story, in which Jesus calls the disciples to venture across the sea into the unknown, “leaves spaces that invite us, or require us, to get involved,” to bring ourselves to the story, preaches the Rev. Elizabeth Blunt. In the middle of their journey, the disciples encounter a destructive whirlwind that brings them to the point of surrender — and they cry out for help. “Without the storm, the disciples could not have found that particular kind of holy courage that has rest at its core,” says Mother Beth, “that’s rooted in trust and quiet certainty and relinquishment.” Where in our lives do we encounter forces that seem bent on our destruction — and where do we see space to practice the courage that carries us beyond distant shores to the realm of our truest longing?


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