
Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Elizabeth Blunt, "The Kingdom of Heaven is Like This"

July 30, 2023

"The founding premise of the parables today is that 'the Kingdom of God is like this,'" said the Rev. Elizabeth Blunt in today's 11:15 service today in Trinity Church. A mystical concept, the Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a mustard seed, yeast, and a merchant who sells everything for a pearl.

"The words and images resonate in a special way," Mother Beth shares. "When the merchant sells everything to keep this one incomparable specimen, he's become something else. He has realigned his priorities. Jesus is calling us to an unswerving focus on things eternal and to hold onto that focus, no matter what the world throws in our path."

The readings are Genesis 29:15–28; Psalm 105:1–11, 45b; Romans 8:26–39; and Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52. Watch the sermon.

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