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Trinity Institute 2013: Stanley Hauerwas

He’s a man who has been both an apprentice bricklayer and “America’s Best Theologian,” as designated by Time Magazine.  And Stanley Hauerwas is one of...


Reconcliation: Miroslav Volf

Miroslav Volf is the director of Yale Center for Faith and Culture and Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology at Yale Divinity School. A native of...


Reconcilation: Panel Discussion Day 1

The concluding panel discussion from Trinity Institute 2006, "The Anatomy of Reconciliation", featuring James Alison, Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons...


Religion & Violence: Tariq Ramadan

Tariq Ramadan writes and speaks on the future of Islam in pluralistic society. Named one of TIME magazine's "100 Innovators for the 21st Century," his...