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Epiphany Service

January 6, 2018

An intergenerational family-friendly Eucharist with music by the Trinity Youth Chorus and a procession of giant puppets to help tell the Epiphany story. Followed by a festive reception.


A Patient Faith

January 5, 2018

Trinity Church Wall Street has identified its six Core Values: Faith, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Compassion, Social Justice, and Stewardship. In the...


The Importance of that Other Person

January 4, 2018

As a person deeply committed to the values that direct your life, it’s pretty tough to try to converse with another person who is equally committed to...


Values and the Project of Being Human

December 27, 2017

Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish poet and theologian and leader of The Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, Corrymeela’s objective is the...


Christmas Day Choral Eucharist: The Nativity of Our Lord

December 25, 2017

A Choral Eucharist in celebration of Christmas. Music is provided by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, with additional congregational hymns and carols. The Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, Rector, celebrant; the Rev. Philip Jackson, Vicar, preacher.