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Trinity Movement Choir: Reconciliation

September 9, 2018

The Trinity Movement Choir’s dance designed to mark the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has come to have a broader meaning as audiences have applied the piece to cataclysmic events in their own countries and lives.


Revealing A Hidden Façade

September 7, 2018

The rejuvenation of the Trinity Church nave is offering clues that help recall the view people would have had from the south churchyard more than a...


Remembering Domestic Terrorism

August 29, 2018

The Equal Justice Initiative, a Trinity Wall Street domestic grants partner, provides legal assistance to the incarcerated, including Death Row...


Hour Children Summer Music Camp

August 24, 2018

Meet Angela, a counselor at Hour Children Summer Camp, and her young charges as they prepare for a Wizard of Oz-themed concert at the end of a week of music workshops sponsored by Trinity Church Wall Street.


Hearing the Voices of Women in Scripture

August 22, 2018

The Rev. Winnie Varghese, priest for Justice and Reconciliation at Trinity Church Wall Street, is the featured preacher in the annual summer education...


Meditation: Weight Training for Life

August 10, 2018

Meditation—or “weight training for life,” as the Rev. Kristin Miles calls it, helps us practice finding peace, compassion, and connection in a hectic...


Skin Deep: A Values Conversation with Michael Weeder

August 8, 2018

The Very Rev. Michael Weeder, Dean of St. George's Cathedral, Cape Town, in conversation with the Rev. Winnie Varghese about social justice in the United States and South Africa and how values guide our common life within the church and in the world.