
Family Service Sermon, The Rev. Elizabeth Blunt, "Seeing Jesus in a New Light"

August 6, 2023

"Aspects of people we love can be hidden from us by time and distance and life's varied contexts," shared the Rev. Elizabeth Blunt on the Feast of the Transfiguration at Trinity Church. "Having a new realization about them can be both exhilarating and disorienting."

The disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration were those who knew Jesus best. Peter, James, and John saw Jesus revealed as the Son of God, emitting the brilliant glory of God and communing with Moses and Elijah.

"Jesus was simultaneously fully human and fully divine," Mother Beth explained. "As Christians we stitch those two truths together. Is the Jesus you know shining, ascended, seated beside God in heaven? Or is he kneeling in the dirt, moving out among the crowds, breaking bread and pouring wine?"

There is no wrong answer. Watch the sermon. The readings are Exodus 34:29–35; Psalm 99:5–9; and Luke 9:28-36.

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