Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Children participating in the 9am Holy Eucharist at Trinity Church

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Light of the World

February 4, 2023 | By Faith Formation & Education

The themes for Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount continues into this week and, spoiler alert, into next week, too. That’s how important and inclusive his message was and is. And one thing that makes it so important to this day is that it invites us to be a message that is as big and inclusive as God’s love! Jesus calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

One prayer candle burning among others in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: Salt and Light

February 3, 2023 | By Faith Formation and Education

Words, words, words. We love them! In our history, language has been as revolutionary as fire making, and words have distinguished human from beast since time immemorial. And throughout history, there have been disparities between the words we say and what we do, and between who we say we are and who we reveal ourselves to be through our actions. Across the millennia of human civilization, we have used words to call out these disparities and point out hypocrisies, sometimes as pots to kettles.

Candles in Darkness

Candlemas: Celebrating Light

February 2, 2023 | By James Melchiorre

A look at the ancient feast of Candlemas which falls on February 2.

Graphic read: $57M, 206 grantees, 61 new organizations in 2022; up 22% from 2021"

2022 in Review: Striving for Grace and Generosity

January 31, 2023 | By Neill Coleman

Once again, we are humbled by the ability of Trinity to be able to respond and in awe of all our grantees are able to do. As the infographic below shows, this includes $57 million in grant awards to 206 grantees.  We strive to approach our engagement with our grantees from a posture of grace and generosity.

CDSP student's hands typing on laptop

CDSP Announces Shift to Fully Hybrid Education Model

January 31, 2023

CDSP and Trinity have announced that the seminary will transition to a fully hybrid education model, beginning with the class entering in summer 2025. This model, which builds on the success of CDSP’s current low-residence Hybrid Program, will consist of online learning, in-person intensives each year, and post-graduation curacy funding.

Sister Ann Whittaker for the Sister is In

Sister Ann: A Half-Century of Service, And Counting

January 30, 2023 | By James Melchiorre

Sister Ann Whittaker, who just celebrated the 50th anniversary of her profession of vows in the Society of St. Margaret, looks back on her life of service as a sister.

A sightseeing boat approaches Niagara Falls

Letting Life Flow Through

January 30, 2023 | By Faith Formation and Education

Whether things are going well or badly for us in any given moment, we know this: God desires our flourishing.

A musician's hands on the organ keyboard in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: What Love Looks Like

January 26, 2023 | By Faith Formation and Education

It is the merciful ones, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, who exhibit with their lives the burgeoning reality of a new world ordered by God’s grace. By refusing to retaliate when they are wronged, by extending grace to those most undeserving, by practicing an orientation of peace, those who are blessed defiantly show the forces of evil what love looks like.