Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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The Mystery of Charlotte Temple

December 16, 2008 | By From the Archives

Answering the question about who is buried in the grave marked "Charlotte Temple" in the churchyard of Trinity Church Wall Street is not as easy as it might seem.


3 Poems by Wendell Berry

May 22, 2006 | By News and Notes

A look at what are called Sabbath poems by Wendell Berry.

Martin Luther King, 1964

Martin Luther King: ‘A Symbol of God’s Love’

January 17, 2006 | By Maria Luisa Torres

“We all think of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the civil rights era, but I would suggest to you that he is simply a symbol of God’s love.”


Unearthing Our Past

February 4, 2004 | By News and Blogs

Trinity Church Wall Street's long history in New York City includes a connection to slavery, which was legal until 1827.


Working for Reconciliation

January 30, 2004 | By By Maria Luisa Torres

On MLK Sunday, guest preacher Linda Biehl discussed the role of reconciliation in pursuit of peace & justice.