Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Easter flowers in Trinity Church — bright and soft pink, yellow, and white flowers with a stained glass window in the background

A Reflection on John 15: Envisioning a Human Way of Loving

May 6, 2021 | By Ruth Frey

When we imagine a mother’s love, we often think of it as unconditional, steadfast, and unwavering. Of course, we know that isn’t always the case. But when we try to envision a human way of loving that gives us a glimpse of what Jesus is calling us to, a mother’s love is a good place to start.

New York City Hall shot from the front on a sunny day.

Trinity’s Grantees Make Their Voices Heard

May 3, 2021

As the campaign for New York City’s next mayor heats up, Trinity Church has been working with its grantee partners to sponsor mayoral forums on racial and criminal justice and housing and homelessness.

The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson preaching at Trinity Church

Changing How We Understand the Very Nature of the Cosmos

May 2, 2021

God overturned the fear-based relationship ancient peoples had with their gods. "He loved us and he sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice of our sins." We participate in the Love that God has for us. Watch the sermon from the Rev. Phil Jackson.

The Rev. Michael A. Bird preaches at the Family Service during Eastertide.

Branches on a Vine

May 2, 2021

"In Jesus's time they always talked about being vines," said the Rev. Michael A. Bird at our Family Worship service today, reflecting on John 15:1–8. "We need to be intertwined like vines, and the way vines grow, the way we grow, is by resting, by abiding in Jesus."

Wilting white tulips with golden yellow centers and green stems in the bright sunshine

Union with the Indwelling God of Love

April 29, 2021 | By Kathy Bozzuti-Jones

This simple prayer is an expression of union with the indwelling God of love. Jesus said, “Abide in me and I will abide with you.” Because of this union, we can become more fruitful. Because of this relationship, we are called to grow like branches spreading the good news of God’s love in the world.

Yuetying Lee (right) and Sing Lam in the garden at St. Margaret’s House.

A 99-year-old’s Post-COVID Plan

April 23, 2021 | By Qiuxuan Lu

A 99-year-old St. Margaret's House resident has taken the vaccine. Her wish is to have dim sum with her family in Chinatown after the pandemic.