Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Astor Reredos October 2020

The Astor Reredos | Ask Trinity Archives

July 15, 2021

In this first of a three-part Ask Trinity Archives series on the influence of the Astor family on the architectural features at Trinity Church Wall Street, a focus on the Astor Reredos, which dates from 1877.

KAVI; Kings Against Violence Initiative; June 2019 June 2019, Kings Against Violence (KAVI).

Grantee Spotlight: KAVI

July 15, 2021

KAVI’s public health approach centers on prevention, intervention, and community building.

July 7, 2021 Ticker-Tape parade passes Trinity Church

"Thank You, Essential Workers!" A Reflection on Sacrifice

July 9, 2021 | By Jewels Tauzin

A reflection by Jewels Tauzin, a university student and Trinity Church Wall Street summer intern, on the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City while watching the ticker-tape parade for essential workers.


Introducing Trinity Church Wall Street Philanthropies

July 1, 2021 | By Neill Coleman

This new name for our Grants & Mission Investing team reflects Trinity’s growing scope, scale, and ambition to do more good in our community, city, and church communion. And to advance our goals we are looking to do more collaborative work with other philanthropic funders. We hope this new name makes clearer the opportunity to partner with Trinity.