Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Angels carved out of wood lined up in Trinity Church

Ways to Support Ukraine

March 4, 2022

Trinity staff members have researched ways parishioners can help Ukrainians in need.

candles in the chancel

A note from Father Bird about Ukraine

March 1, 2022

A note from Father Bird about Ukraine...Even as we face this great tragedy, with uncertainty and I expect no small amount of fear, we find assurance in the unceasing love of Jesus Christ who showed us the way of peace and justice, and who proclaimed, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

Children gather in glowing candlelight

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Glowing with God’s Love

February 27, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

Last week, we talked about feelings and changes on the inside that are much harder to see in others, sometimes because they are very gradual. Changing who we are at heart, and our personal story paths, can also happen. All of these interior changes can only be witnessed by others through our actions. And sometimes our actions don’t honestly reflect our interiors.

Bail Reform poster

Keeping Us Safe: The Facts on Bail Reform

February 25, 2022

Reducing the number of people in jail and protecting public safety are not contradictory. They are the twin goals of New York’s bail reform law.

Detail photo of stained glass depicting a golden knot in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: New Ways to Be God’s People

February 24, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

We — and our world — have been transformed by the pandemic, racial reckoning, economic upheaval, and climate change. What will we let go of as we move into the season of Lent seeking new ways to be God’s people in the world? 

Rendering of the Osborne Association's Fulton Community Reentry Center in the Bronx.

Grantee Spotlight: Osborne Association

February 21, 2022

The Osborne Association is a leading service provider, advocate, and housing developer that works to eradicate housing instability and homelessness for justice-involved and formerly incarcerated people in New York City.