Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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A plaster swirl detail on the ceiling of Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: Which Way To Turn

June 10, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

Many of us, in these times of change, are facing crossroads — trying to make hard decisions about our jobs, our relationships, and even our faith. How can we know which way to turn — which road is the right one?

Children's choir singing during Family Service

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Pentecost

June 4, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

Pentecost is also known as the birthday of the church. It’s not about just Trinity Church, or any church building. It is about all of us — the people who follow in Jesus’s way of peace!

Detail photo of stained glass depicting a golden knot in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: The Way of Life Is Clear

June 3, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

The Gospel reminds us that the Church’s calling, as the body of Christ animated by the Holy Spirit, is to be a reconciling presence of Christ’s peace in the world. It reminds us, too, in an age replete with conflict and the political manipulation of truth, that the way of life for Christians is clear: to be agents of peace, to be the reconciling presence of Christ in the world. 

Illustration of people holding a three circle Venn diagram together. The text above reads "NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund"

Grantee Spotlight: Nonprofit Finance Fund

May 31, 2022

Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) is a New York City-based nonprofit lender and consultant that helps organizations support their communities by offering capital, strategic advice, and accessible insights. Together, loan funds, technical assistance, and capacity-building offerings have enabled Trinity and NFF to provide funding that benefits grantee partners and the communities they serve. 

Pink heart-shaped flowers hang on a branch

Could We Be God For One Another?

May 27, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

I’ve been enjoying a television series called Midnight Diner. Each episode offers a little vignette about universal human longings. It takes place in a simple after-hours diner in Tokyo where up to a dozen guests sit down at the square counter and call out their order — usually a food of some kind that brings back tender memories of home. Most of the quiet action of each episode happens on this small set. The chef, whom they call “Master,” is a man of few words.

Woodwork in the Chapel of All Saints in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: The Cyclical Nature of Oneness with God

May 26, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

Perhaps this story is not simply about God rewarding believers but another of Paul’s (and humanity’s) “conversions” — from hubris to humility, again and again, continuously. Could the cyclical nature of our reunions with the Holy Spirit be the divine oneness we all share? Is this what Jesus pleads for us in the Gospel just before he ascends to be one with God; incarnation to reincarnation, the Alpha and the Omega?

Trinity staff and congregation members march in the 2022 AIDS Walk New York

Pride Returns to Trinity

May 20, 2022 | By Lisa Jaycox

LGBTQ+ communities around the world recognize June as Pride Month. Here at Trinity we celebrate Pride 365 days a year with programming that welcomes and affirms our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) siblings.

Trinity Ambassadors greeting a guest in Trinity Commons

Introducing the Trinity Ambassadors Program

May 20, 2022

“Trinity Commons is the center for our parish life. Since the building is still new and was closed for two years, visitors may be unfamiliar with the building and even feel intimidated when entering it,” said Maggy Laraque, who is leading the program. “The Trinity Ambassador Program was created to help address those concerns.”