Trinity Churchyard in Spring

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Yellow and red light filters through stained-glass windows and shines on the floor of Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: The Quest for Justice

October 13, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

Who among us will persist in the quest for justice? Like the widow pleading her own case before the unjust judge, we must not take no for an answer. It is a matter of faith. It is a matter of trust in God’s goodness — and in our commitment to claiming God’s reign of justice with constancy.

Masked young people are laughing in conversation while walking down a staircase. The young Black woman at left has pink hair and wears glasses and a sweatshirt that reads "The Door." The two young Black men wear casual clothes (jeans, sneakers, and sweatshirts). All three wear white sneakers.

Grantee Spotlight: The Door

October 12, 2022

The Door’s mission is to empower young people to reach their potential by providing comprehensive youth development services in a diverse and caring environment.

Two people are laughing together during paired conversation. The Black man wears a white tee with a graphic print, and glasses, while the Black woman has braided hair and wears a blue floral dress and glasses.

Friendship and Fellowship for Next Gen Leaders

October 7, 2022 | By The Rev. Tony Tian-Ren Lin, PhD

With the launch of the Trinity Leadership Fellows program, we hope to have started a new way of training faith leaders. But more importantly, we hope to have created a program where those called to lonely journeys can travel together—as friends. 

A close-up of shadowy arches in Trinity Church

Five Ways Into Sunday’s Scripture: In the Borderlands

October 7, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

We all have times in our lives when we feel like we’re in the wilderness and connection to community seems remote. Jesus can heal us in these times, and we can show our gratitude for this gift by offering this same love and healing to others.

Green, yellow, blue, and white prayer flags float on the breeze against a background of tall trees and warm sunlight

Try Not To Miss Anything

October 5, 2022 | By Faith Formation and Education

It is no mean feat to be fully present, so engaged and intimate with a subject, to truly see it — and to see yourself in it. To truly see it — and to see God in it. This is the secret that contemplatives and mystics know.

A child works on a project in Children's Time

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: God’s Love Provides

October 1, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

In this long season after Pentecost, we not only enjoy the growth, blooming, and harvesting of spring, summer, and fall, but our liturgy often points us to a different kind of growth — the growth and movement of the Holy Spirit, which is not as easy to see as in plants, people, and animals.

View of Trinity Church, the Astor Cross and the north side of Trinity Churchyard

Trinity's Churchyard: A Scavenger Hunt

September 29, 2022

The Trinity Churchyard is a visual oasis, an open space in a city crowded with skyscrapers, a place where all four seasons are on display, and have been for more than three centuries. A perfect spot for lunch, or a history lesson, or a scavenger hunt.

Two children laughing together at a table during Celebration Sunday in Parish Hall

3 Ways Into Sunday’s Stories for Children: Our Refuge and Home

September 24, 2022 | By Faith Formation & Education

Home is our families’ refuge. We feel safe, accepted, cared-for at home. God is our refuge — our spiritual home. And God calls us to also be a refuge wherever we are, as our presence and actions with others can offer safety, acceptance, and care.