A dancer stands in front of a light-filled window in St. Paul's Chapel with a small universe floating in their hands
Parish Life

Trinity Movement Choir: Ahimsa/Transfiguration

Add to Calendar 2023-05-19 8:00 PM 2023-05-19 9:00 PM America/New_York Trinity Movement Choir: Ahimsa/Transfiguration

Experience a hybrid multimedia collaboration joining the Trinity Movement Choir and the Sacred Dance Guild with composer and longtime peace advocate Stanley Grill and dancer/choreographer Mariko Endo.

AHIMSA traces the inspiring steps toward nonviolence in the last century and challenges people living today to take this legacy to fulfillment. TRANSFIGURATION enacts the result of achieving AHIMSA, the streams of energy that bring all living things together in peace.

St. Paul's Chapel false

Experience a hybrid multimedia collaboration joining the Trinity Movement Choir and the Sacred Dance Guild with composer and longtime peace advocate Stanley Grill and dancer/choreographer Mariko Endo.

AHIMSA traces the inspiring steps toward nonviolence in the last century and challenges people living today to take this legacy to fulfillment. TRANSFIGURATION enacts the result of achieving AHIMSA, the streams of energy that bring all living things together in peace.

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