Sunlight shines through the green leaves of a tree in Trinity churchyard as Trinity Church stands in the background
Parish Life

Environmental Justice Ministry Group

Monthly meeting and Climate Smart Workshop

Add to Calendar 2023-01-09 6:00 PM 2023-01-09 7:30 PM America/New_York Environmental Justice Ministry Group

The Environmental Justice Ministry Group is a faith-based group that examines, increases awareness, and acts around the most pressing problems of climate change and environmental justice. 

This monthly meeting will include a Climate Smart workshop about using clean energy at home.

Do you know the top three things you can do to reduce your household's carbon footprint? Or what government incentives and programs you can tap into along the way? Come listen to a presentation by clean energy attorney Madeline Fleisher breaking down the key steps you can take, and the resources available in New York and beyond to help you make your home "climate smart," followed by a Q&A session.

Renters as well as owners can take advantage of these options for renewable and clean energy.

Ms. Fleisher is a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School and has practiced as an environmental and energy lawyer across the United States for fifteen years. She runs a website about carbon-free energy use at home at, and tweets about general clean energy topics at @cleanenergynerd.

All are welcome. 

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The Environmental Justice Ministry Group is a faith-based group that examines, increases awareness, and acts around the most pressing problems of climate change and environmental justice. 

This monthly meeting will include a Climate Smart workshop about using clean energy at home.

Do you know the top three things you can do to reduce your household's carbon footprint? Or what government incentives and programs you can tap into along the way? Come listen to a presentation by clean energy attorney Madeline Fleisher breaking down the key steps you can take, and the resources available in New York and beyond to help you make your home "climate smart," followed by a Q&A session.

Renters as well as owners can take advantage of these options for renewable and clean energy.

Ms. Fleisher is a graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School and has practiced as an environmental and energy lawyer across the United States for fifteen years. She runs a website about carbon-free energy use at home at, and tweets about general clean energy topics at @cleanenergynerd.

All are welcome. 

Parish Life, Faith Education