"When A Loved One Struggles: A Support Group" text over a soft, out of focus orange and yellow background
Parish Life

When A Loved One Struggles

Mondays, November 7–December 12
Add to Calendar 2022-11-07 6:30 PM 2022-11-07 7:45 PM America/New_York When A Loved One Struggles

Having a loved one who struggles with their mental and emotional health can be lonely and stressful. Caring for oneself is essential to support those you love. Come be in shared company for a six-week support group to help dispel the isolation.

Dr. Peggy Barnett, psychotherapist at the Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute, will facilitate.

For information, email the Pastoral Care team.

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Having a loved one who struggles with their mental and emotional health can be lonely and stressful. Caring for oneself is essential to support those you love. Come be in shared company for a six-week support group to help dispel the isolation.

Dr. Peggy Barnett, psychotherapist at the Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute, will facilitate.

For information, email the Pastoral Care team.

Parish Life