Spires and bell towers make up the skyline of Rome against a sunset

Pilgrimage Info Session

Journey to Greece and Rome

Add to Calendar 2022-02-20 1:00 PM 2022-02-20 2:00 PM America/New_York Pilgrimage Info Session

The Pilgrimage ministry is returning with a new pilgrimage designed for parishioners and friends: “Following in the Footsteps of St. Paul,” a journey to Greece and Rome, will launch in April 2023, but the time for decision-making and planning is now.

Join an info session with EO Tours and the Faith Formation & Education team to learn about the itinerary, requirements, fees, and more.

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The Pilgrimage ministry is returning with a new pilgrimage designed for parishioners and friends: “Following in the Footsteps of St. Paul,” a journey to Greece and Rome, will launch in April 2023, but the time for decision-making and planning is now.

Join an info session with EO Tours and the Faith Formation & Education team to learn about the itinerary, requirements, fees, and more.