
Priest baptizing woman

The Book of Common Prayer states, "Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s body, the Church. The bond which God establishes at Baptism is indissoluble" (p. 298). Whether this sacrament is performed early in life or as an adult, baptism in the Episcopal Church is the foundation for a commitment to new life through Christ. At baptism, the person being baptized vows to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, to trust in his grace and love, and to follow and obey him as Lord (BCP, pp. 302-303). In the case of infants and young children, who are unable to answer for themselves, these vows are made by their parents and sponsors or godparents who promise to raise the child in the Christian faith and support him or her through their prayers and example.

Below you’ll find information on the process of baptism at Trinity for adults and for children.

Child Baptism

At Trinity Wall Street, having a child baptized includes attending a baptism class for parents and a period of congregational prayer prior to baptism. To begin, choose a date for baptism and preparation classes from the list below, then fill out the online form below by the registration deadline.

Preparing for Baptism

Parents are required to attend one baptism class, not only to learn more about baptism, but also to reflect on their own faith journey and hopes for their child’s life of faith. The class also provides an opportunity to build community with other parents in the parish.


The role of godparents is a special one. In the case of infants and young children, they make a vow on behalf of the baptized to support him or her in the Christian faith and life. A godparent should be someone with whom you share your faith and whose life is one that you hope your child will emulate. The Book of Common Prayer requires that there be at least one baptized godparent present for the baptism. If a godparent cannot be present at the baptism, it is recommended that you choose another baptismal date when she or he can be present.

2023-2024 Baptisms


All Saints' Day, Sunday, November 3rd at 9:00am
Deadline for Registration, October 18th 
Class & Rehearsal, November 2nd 9:30am


Baptism of Our Lord, Sunday, January 12 at 11:15am
Deadline for Registration, Monday, December 16
Class and Rehearsal: Saturday, January 11, 9:30am

Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 19 at 8pm
Deadline for Registration, Friday, April 4
Class and Rehearsal: Saturday, April 19, 9:30am

Pentecost, Sunday, June 8 at 11:15am
Deadline for Registration, Friday, May 23
Class and Rehearsal: Saturday, June 7, 9:30am

All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 2 at 9am
Deadline for Registration, Friday, October 17
Class and Rehearsal: Saturday, November 1, 9:30am


Adult Baptism

Baptism for adults (and older children) is distinct from infants and young children in that candidates are asked to answer for themselves at the baptism. They are also invited to prepare for the sacrament through self-examination, prayer, and inquiry with the support of the congregation. As with infants and their godparents, adults are required to choose at least one sponsor who has already been baptized and who will vow to support the baptismal candidate in his or her faith within the wider faith community.

To begin the process of becoming baptized, please fill out the form above and we will be in touch with further instructions.

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