
Sunday Sermon, The Rev. Michael A. Bird: "A Wind That Binds"

May 14, 2023

Today’s reading from Acts “shows Paul at his gustiest,” preaches the Rev. Michael Bird. Standing in the highest court of Athens, “he found a way to connect with people with whom he deeply disagreed but found common ground." It is a lesson more relevant than ever nearly two millennia later.

Father Bird offers that it is in daring moments like these, when we look beyond our differences, and "encounter each other’s spiritual selves,” that we see God at work in the world. He asks: “how will we manifest love and joy and comfort and togetherness in a world that seems to have forgotten it but so deeply needs it?” The readings are Acts Acts 7:55–60; Psalm 31; 1 Peter 2:2–10 and John 14:1–14.

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