
Sunday Sermon, The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry: "Come, Let Us Go to the Mountain"

September 12, 2021

Preaching at our September 11 Requiem Holy Eucharist, the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, remarked, “We observe this solemn occasion in a perilous moment in our national life and history. The seeds of self-centeredness and hatred will inevitably yield a bitter harvest.” And yet there is hope to be found. But only if we remember the sacrifice and unity that followed that dark day in 2001, and “go to the mountain” by fiercely recommitting ourselves to “a love that gives and does not count the cost.” The readings are Isaiah 61:1–4; Psalm 31 and Matthew 5:1–10.

Download a Transcript of the Sermon, September 12, 2021

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