
Ascension Day Sermon, The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson "Celebrating the Past and Present with Hope for the Future"

May 18, 2023

“I do not cease to give thanks for you.” The Rev. Phillip Jackson built his Ascension Day sermon on that scripture from the letter to the Ephesians, recalling notes from his personal diary written during the depths of the pandemic in the Spring of 2020. At that time, Trinity responded with vital support to the smaller parishes in the diocese of New York. Father Phil thanked Trinity’s leadership for answering that request, and called that a reminder of the responsibility Trinity has and, on a smaller scale, that all of us have, to share our blessings when others are in need. Watch the sermon. The readings are Acts 1: 1-11, Psalm 47, Ephesians 1: 15-23, and Luke 24: 44-53.

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