Mental Health in Transition

Mental Health in Transition: Reinventing Public Safety with Fountain House

Add to Calendar 2021-10-14 9:30 AM 2021-10-14 11:00 AM America/New_York Mental Health in Transition: Reinventing Public Safety with Fountain House

280,000 New Yorkers live with serious mental illness. Far too many are not connected to the support systems and communities they need, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this.

We cannot jail, hospitalize, or shelter our way out of the issue of mental illness in our City. It's time to imagine a healthier future for New York City, one where people with mental illness can achieve their potential and build the communities we all need to thrive.

Mental Health in Transition is a 3-part series, presented by Fountain House in partnership with Trinity Church Wall Street, that explores the intersection of public safety, housing, and public health on mental health.

Panel 1: Reinventing Public Safety

Featured panelists:

  • Christina Sparrock, CPA, Peer, Mental Health Advocate
  • Susan Shah, Managing Director, Racial Justice, Trinity Church Wall Street
  • Elizabeth Glazer, Founder of Vital City, and former Director of the NYC Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice
  • Eric Gonzalez, Brooklyn District Attorney

Moderator: Caroline Lewis, Health Reporter, WNYC/Gothamist

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280,000 New Yorkers live with serious mental illness. Far too many are not connected to the support systems and communities they need, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this.

We cannot jail, hospitalize, or shelter our way out of the issue of mental illness in our City. It's time to imagine a healthier future for New York City, one where people with mental illness can achieve their potential and build the communities we all need to thrive.

Mental Health in Transition is a 3-part series, presented by Fountain House in partnership with Trinity Church Wall Street, that explores the intersection of public safety, housing, and public health on mental health.

Panel 1: Reinventing Public Safety

Featured panelists:

  • Christina Sparrock, CPA, Peer, Mental Health Advocate
  • Susan Shah, Managing Director, Racial Justice, Trinity Church Wall Street
  • Elizabeth Glazer, Founder of Vital City, and former Director of the NYC Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice
  • Eric Gonzalez, Brooklyn District Attorney

Moderator: Caroline Lewis, Health Reporter, WNYC/Gothamist

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