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Faith Education

Discovery: Unity, Forgiveness, and Talking Across Difference

Meets Sundays, February 26-March 26
Add to Calendar 2023-02-26 10:00 AM 2023-02-26 11:00 AM America/New_York Discovery: Unity, Forgiveness, and Talking Across Difference

Join the Trinity community this winter and spring for Discovery, the education series for adults interested in how Scripture, theology, and spirituality can inform, shape, and enrich our lives.

How do we resolve conflict and act as one body when we’re so different from one another?

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Join the Trinity community this winter and spring for Discovery, the education series for adults interested in how Scripture, theology, and spirituality can inform, shape, and enrich our lives.

How do we resolve conflict and act as one body when we’re so different from one another?

Faith Education, Featured