A star-filled night sky behind a silhouette of trees

Contemplative Eucharist

Come rest in the presence of God

Add to Calendar 2022-09-21 5:30 PM 2022-09-21 6:00 PM America/New_York Contemplative Eucharist

It’s the middle of the week. Come rest in the presence of God, who is always ready to welcome and to love us — just as we are.

This 30-minute service is followed by a light supper. All are welcome.

Please note: There will be no Contemplative Eucharist on November 23, December 28, and January 4.

Trinity Church false

It’s the middle of the week. Come rest in the presence of God, who is always ready to welcome and to love us — just as we are.

This 30-minute service is followed by a light supper. All are welcome.

Please note: There will be no Contemplative Eucharist on November 23, December 28, and January 4.
